Howto run and update ghost 4.x on node.js 17.x

It looks that there is big inconsistency in FreeBSD ports - related to python 3.10 and node.js. Currently only node.js 17.x can be build if you have such combination of programming languages on your system. And the greatest news is that ghost 4.x runs on that officially unsupported combination.

To workaround verifications buildin ghost and to made this great CMS to run on unstable and not LTS version of node.js as 17.x branch - you must to modify ghost-cli. It installs file /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/package.json which contains something like:

"engines": {"node": "^12.22.1 || ^14.17.0 || ^16.13.0 || ^17.0.1"},

and then use ghost-cli commands in this way:

GHOST_NODE_VERSION_CHECK=false ghost check-update
GHOST_NODE_VERSION_CHECK=false ghost update

Here is my communication with official Ghost forum.